Wednesday, March 10, 2010

At what point is enough enough?

A week at the new job and it's not so bad. It's still an office job though. They have pretty much showed me what to do and figured out that they need to let me be and stay out of my hair so I can do my job. It's a nice break from the house, but I still miss the girls at night.

I got a phone call when I was at work tonight, luckily I had my phone turned down and didn't answer it. Not that I would have anyway since I didn't recognize the number. Not sure how to say this without sounding bitter, because I'm really not, just more exasperated than anything. It was my mom. It was the first time I'd heard from her since before Christmas. She didn't even know I was back in school. I'm really not sure why she called. To tell me that Krystle is ready to take her GED exam? Pfft. To tell me that Krystle really needs my support right now? PFFFFT. Without arguing I just said that I'd been trying to do that all her life and that it was never needed or wanted. What more can I say? Of course, the spiteful little b*&^ in me had to make that comment that everyone seems to be studying for something, because Kandyce was studying for her AP exams and that she has interviewed with Princeton and Harvard and already been accepted to WVU (and I forgot to say VT)

I just don't know. She's still not willing to admit that everything that has happened is due to Krystle as well as herself allowing it to happen. I guess on the bright side it has given my kids (at least the two oldest because they understand) a model of what NOT to do. Guess I'll have to wait and see if it's another 3 months before she calls.

On the bright side though, job is not totally unbearable and the possibility of another better one (theyre not making any decisions for a few weeks) is still there. Kids are smart, healthy and for the most part happy (missing mommy at night.)

Always remember to dwell on the positive, not the negative!

1 comment:

  1. Hugs to you, my Dear. It can be rough...But, you come from some tough stock...And, we care, and pray, and laugh, and listen, and encourage, and......well, you get the idea. Love you. We are delighted that you are part of the Clan. Love you!!
