Friday, March 5, 2010


So, I took a night office job. It's not bad. I'm underpaid for what I do, but that's cool. I actually get out of the house without any attachments and I make a little money. Please take note of what I job.

For those of you that don't know, I started in the transportation industry 17 years ago at a freight company and worked night operations. From there I drove a cargo van or straight truck on the weekends to JFK and delivered all the lovely junk mail. After that I married a truck driver and then he wanted his own truck so I became the "office" (different meaning lol) person for his business. In between I did some cake decorating and got my real estate license, but I have been continuously connected with the transportation industry since before Kandyce was born. Needless to say I really think I fell in love with it many years ago.

Back to the new job...Wednesday was my first day. I put on my best "business casual" clothing and out the door I went. I stopped at Love's Truck stop on the way to get a pack of gum. Normally a truck stop is a place that I feel comfortable, at home, and I even go there when I'm upset and I'll just sit and watch the trucks come in and out - especially at night. There's just something incredibly sexy about a truck that's all chicken-lighted out, but that's a topic for another post. Anywayzzzzzz, not one person made eye contact with me in there. Normally everyone nods or smiles or something, but NOTHING this time. It felt like family had turned their back on me just because I was dressed differently. Dressed....uncomfortably, for me.

I'm not sure if I would call it an epiphany, a light bulb, a slap in the face or fate but the very next day I found a babysitter and a listing for a job as a fleet manager at one of the "big 5" trucking companies! I didn't fit the education requirements for it, but I called the HR department and they said that because of my knowledge of the transportation industry (and the fact that I'm working toward the education requirement) they wanted me to go ahead and put my app in and send in a resume. So I did. Now starts the wait.

Am I supposed to return to my original love? I don't know, but I sure didn't like walking into a truck stop and feeling so incredibly out of place!


  1. Go for it. At least until you get the degree and see if you still want to go in that direction...Love ya'.

  2. D, I am posting anonymous, because for some reason, it refuses to allow me to use Yahoo.sigh. Love, A Lynn
