Monday, March 1, 2010


I remember growing up "burnout" meant what you did with your rear wheel drive vehicle. Or if you use "burned-out" or weren't refering to a car it meant someone who had used way too many drugs LOL

Today it takes on a totally different meaning for the most part. describes it as: "burn-out. fatigue, frustration, or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, overwork, or intense activity." Big difference!

The reason I bring this up: earlier this morning I was talking to my enrollment counselor at UOP and he said that if I kept going the way I was going in a couple weeks we were going to be talking about burnout. Hmmm. Seriously?? Between the kids, the husband, the work (which is very slow right now) and the massive amounts of things that go along with that....seriously?? The way I see it, if I was going to "burnout" (in todays terms) it would have happened a very long time ago!

Would I love to get away and not have any responsibility? Oh yeh! My father in law and I were talking about what I am going to do once the Twinkies go to school. My first thought was I'm taking two weeks and sitting on the couch, eating bon-bons and watching soap operas! LOL He is probably correct saying that I wouldn't last two days!

How do you define burnout? Are you or have you been burned out?

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, your enrollment counselor has never checked the family genetics....we are put together to actually operate in the 'burn-out' zone.
